How can you help and contribute to our project to restore our Pipe Organ-Jablonecké varhany?
With a financial gift to the current account of the Endowment Fund Jablonecké varhany.
Beneficiary’s account number CZ9255000000000321717002
Beneficiary’s account name Nadacni fond Jablonecke Varhany
Address of Beneficiary U Piskovny 441, Jablonec nad Nisou, 46608, Czech republic
Beneficiary’s bank name Raiffeisenbank a.s., Prague, Czech republic
Beneficiary’s bank swift code (BIC) RZBCCZPP
In the case of a bank transfer we would like to ask you to state your name or your company’s name in the message to the recipient part. We would also like you to let us know about your payment on our email:, in order to list you as a donor and thank you for your donation.
If required you may request a payment receipt in your email, which we will gladly provide for your tax deductions. Financial updates of the Endowment Fund transparent account are available to the Public on the Raiffeisen bank websites.
We are also devising an “option” where one can adopt a paricular Organ pipe or the further possibility to adopt a particular part of the Pipe Organ instrument. This method of contribution is now available in the czech language only. But we can assist you in whole process.
In the event that you would like to make a donation and would like to discuss details in person, please contact us on our email:
We will be eternally grateful for any support you can give, be it monetary, voluntary, social or indeed spiritual, these are the vital ingredients
that will make this project a resounding success.
Thank you again